Heroes Global Championship

Official site for the premier esports league of Heroes of the Storm



Project Timeline

2017 - 2019


Heroes Global Championship (HGC) was a competition consisted of teams from across the world with millions of dollars in prize. The web destination for HGC served as source of truth for tournament news, showcased top-tier play as quality entertainment, and grew the fanbase by cross-pollinating between game and esports fans.

Role: Designer

  • Coordinate qualitative surveys and moderated quantitative studies
  • Wireframe, prototype, and visual design all pages
  • Volunteered as Talent Manager for multiple BlizzCons for HGC production, gaining insights into how the esports program is run

Humble Beginnings

The first iteration of HGC site was a simple one-pager, announcing the league to the world. It was the first time professional Heroes teams and players received a salary to play the game, and was a big moment for Blizzard.

Screenshot of the first HGC announcement page

From “Must Haves” to “Delighters”

As the site expanded to support the major tournament, we started with basic features such as news and schedule. We then gradually added delighter features that improved the players’ experience and increased engagement. Below are some example features on the HGC site.

Match Details
Showcases detailed information such as drafts, picks, and builds of a single match. This allows the average player to access data on pro player matches, to potentially learn and get better at their own games.

Match page during a live game, featuring stream and stats
Screenshot of HGC match detail page during live game

Spoiler Controls
Through our research and observations, we found that some dedicated fans like to watch VODs (videos of past matches) when they miss a tournament, and want to enjoy the matches without spoilers. We added controls to give them the spoiler-free experience across the site, and it was surprisingly complicated. Multiple iterations were tested to get the correct visual and verbiage for the UI.

Similar spoiler toggles whenever stats and results appeared on the site
Screenshot of hidden spoilers UI

Watch Experience
One-stop-shop for watching live and past streams. Different variations of the page was test for desirability and usability.

Revamped homepage with watchable content as focus
Screenshot of HGC homepage wireframe

The Larger Ecosystem

The HGC community was active and thriving, but it was still small compared to the whole population of Heroes players. How can we cross pollinate between the game and esports?

The team conducted surveys at BlizzCon, interviewed HGC fans, and had group ideation sessions.

Group ideation sessions
Screenshot of a group ideation activity
Heroes fans motivations
Screenshot of player motivation
Moderating usability studies
Photo of a moderated usability study
Game vs. esports audience
Screenshot of audience breakdown

Through additional interviews, we found that players like to watch top pros so they can improve their own gameplay. This drive to “get better” served as an inspiration for hero stats and hero pages. The happy path then becomes:

  • Heroes player visits their favorite character’s page
  • Player sees top esports pros who also plays this character
  • Player discovers videos, tips and tricks from pro player (consuming esports content)
  • Player goes into the game and tries new tricks themselves (increasing engagement)
Paired hero pages on both game site and esports site, creating multiple entries to engage with the content
Screenshot of heroes game site and HGC hero pages

Extracurricular Activities

While being an UX/UI Designer is my passion, I also loved esports and the communities built around competitive gaming. I worked as the HGC Talent Manager for all 4 BlizzCons where competitive Heroes was showcased. Putting on a live show for 20,000+ live attendees and millions of online viewers was no small feat, and I learned a lot about production, talent managing, and most importantly, what our players wanted. I got to experience the magical moments that transformed average players into fans, and it gave me empathy and new perspectives when designing for the players.

Standing in for stage rehearsal
Photo of Annie on stage
HGC finals stage and audience
Photo of BlizzCon finals stage


The HGC site was a success because we took the time to integrate with esports, understood business goals, and put effort into speaking with our players. Even though the league ended in 2019 and the sites are gone, the memories and learnings will stay with me forever.