StarCraft Remastered

Announcement site and game UI for a nostalgic classic


August 2017


StarCraft is a classic RTS game that defined an entire generation of gamers. The remastered game announcement site had to showcase the shiny new graphics, but also follow the old-school, 1998 visual vibe. As a part of the project, I had the opportunity to lend a hand to the game UI team, creating simple menu pages.

Role: Designer

  • Design visuals for announcement site
  • Create Hotkeys and Options menu UI for in-game
Screenshot of SC Remastered News
Screenshot of SC Remastered graphics comparison
Screenshot of SC Remastered lore
Screenshot of SC Remastered social interaction
In-game hotkeys menu
Screenshot of in-game hotkeys UI
In-game end of game toast UI
Screenshot of in-game end game toast UI